The story of LifeQuest Church is all about doing whatever it takes to reach people who are far from God and then help them grow in their faith. That’s what makes the people of LifeQuest extraordinary. It takes countless hours of time, energy and money to keep reaching people and to make a difference. And yet they are compelled by the vision. They are obsessed with increasing the traffic to heaven by creating life changing communities. Whatever it takes means people connected in Life Groups preparing a meal for guests who are yet to be connected. It means inviting others into your circle of relationships to grow and learn and support each other. Each of us is summoned individually and therefore uniquely and personally. But we are not summoned to be a bunch of individual Christ followers, rather to be a community of faith. The local church is the called out assembly of God’s people. Commitment to our corporate calling means that together we must honor the purpose to reach a world who needs Jesus….Whatever It Takes!