Last month as I pulled out of our driveway, I noticed how much yard work needed to be done on our 115 year old house. The summer had been crazy busy, we had just returned from a mission trip to Haiti, and all kinds of vines and weeds had grown up around the house. I remember thinking about how I wish we had time to take care of it, but we were heading into the fall season of ministry and time would again be swallowed up in a whirlwind of activity. I really hadn’t thought much about it until this morning, as I once again pulled out of our driveway. Just two weeks ago, we had a new missionary family move into our upstairs missionary apartment. It was rather last minute because we have another family scheduled to come in October. The new family who just moved in will only be here for the month of September. A couple of days ago my husband, Dan, was asked by the missionary if we cared if they helped us with some landscaping. He loves gardening! This morning, as I pulled out of the driveway I marveled at how awesome the yard looked – weeds were gone, bushes were trimmed, limbs were trimmed. Then I remembered – it was an unexpected answer to a silent prayer from over a month ago. Is God awesome or what!