The Discipline of Self-Management

Great leaders are great managers – not just of projects and people, but mostly of themselves.  Great leaders have to learn to manage:

  • Their feelings –  learning to own their emotions and not deny them, so they can manage them rather than let their emotions be in charge.
  • Their expectations – of themselves, what others expect from them and the expectations of those who follow them.
  • The boundaries in their lives – learning to avoid those things that drain their energy.  This might include negative people, disorganization and second guessing decisions.

Great leaders do not do what they do for themselves or even as a way to become recognized as a great leader.  For those of us who are called by Jesus to lead, the end game is about expanding the Kingdom of God.  We are passionate about Jesus and are willing to do whatever it takes to help other people experience the life God intended for them to enjoy!

How are you at the managing your feelings, expectations and boundaries?

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