This week I am privileged to be a part of a church planter assessment in North Carolina. The Discovery Center, sponsored by Growing Healthy Churches, is led by seasoned church planters who have a passion to further God’s Kingdom through planting new churches. This passion is so strong that they give up an entire week from their already full schedules to help men and women who desire to be church planters realize their strengths and areas of giftedness. As I have listened to stories and dreams of how they are making a difference for God, I am amazed at how God’s picture is so much bigger than me. It’s easy to get caught up in my own little life. Yet there are millions of people who need Jesus and that is what God cares about more than anything else. It’s really not all about me. In the words of Matthew West, “In my own little world it hardly ever rains. I’ve never gone hungry, I’ve always felt safe. What if there’s a bigger picture, what if I’m missing out? What if there’s a greater purpose I could be living right now outside my own little world?” I am thankful for reminders of the bigger picture and challenged to be all God wants me to be!