Impacting Communities in Kansas City

It’s been a little over a month since I joined the staff at The Sending Project. I have had lots of people ask me what my new role is and what The Sending Project (TSP) is all about! One of the things I get to do as Operations Director is to help organize events around the KC area which help to build missional awareness and community among churches. One of these events is called a Network Gathering. At our most recent event, churches from all over the city shared how God is moving in their local congregations. How are communities being impacted in KC? Here are just a few of the stories of how churches are making a difference through…

-Ministering to young families in a Neonatal unit of a local hospital
-Reaching out to the homeless in Kansas City
-Encouraging men in the community through a neighborhood men’s ministry
-Reaching out to the behaviorally challenged using horses to help with therapy
-Teaching ESL classes in local schools
-Gathering school supplies for underprivileged kids
-Packing backpacks with after school snacks for kids in need
-Providing support and encouragement for pregnancy support centers

Exciting things are happening in KC! So thankful to be a part of The Sending Project and to work alongside so many who are not only ‘going to church’ but they are ‘being the church.’

What are you doing to make an impact in your community?

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