I like to believe that everyone wants to live an inspired life. I believe that we all want to bring value and positively impact others. That’s why I am passionate about living an inspired life. So at the beginning of each new year I reflect and take inventory of the year before.
I have always considered myself to be a pretty motivated person. During the last week of every year I take time to reflect on the accomplishments of the year before and write down what I hope to achieve during the next 52 weeks. Overachiever that I am, the list is often way too long, and while I have the best intentions I don’t always achieve all that I aspired to do. But there’s one thing I have discovered.
No matter how many things I check off my list, fulfillment doesn’t always come with achievement. Motivation enables us to accomplish a lot of things, but what brings the most fulfillment is living from a place of inspiration.
I checked out the definition for ‘inspiring’ and found words like encouraging, energizing, influencing and motivating. Inspiration pushes a person from apathy to possibility. It gives life purpose and passion that will inspire others to do the same. Researchers, Thrash and Elliot, found that “inspired people were more open to new experiences and were more motivated. They were better at their jobs and more creative and optimistic about their future. They also discovered that people who were generally more inspired in their daily lives were more likely to be successful. Finally, inspired individuals reported experiencing more purpose in life and more gratitude.”
To live an inspired life means that you are living a meaningful life based on your passions and who God created you to be. We can all be inspired for a few moments or a few days – maybe even a month or two. But how do we keep the inspiration going?
Here are 7 ideas to help you get inspired and stay inspired:
- Be Intentional. What inspires, interests, and motivates you? What do you enjoy? Think about something you would like to do and write it down. It’s hard to live an inspired live without a clear purpose of what you want to accomplish.
- Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone. Don’t let your fears hold you back from taking risks. The things in life that are worthwhile require you to get off the sidelines and take a leap. What is something new that you’ve always wanted to try?
- Be Grateful. Gratitude changes everything. When we choose to be grateful, we begin to focus on the positive. No matter where we are in life, we all have so much to be grateful for. Start a Gratitude Journal. And the more you write it down, the more likely you will remember what’s truly important in life.
- Learn to Say No. There are so many distractions that we face every day, The only way you will open up time in your busy schedule for times of inspiration is by saying “No” to some things. You have to choose the great over the good.
- Choose Your Friends Wisely. Hang out with people who encourage and lift you up. If you are always hanging around with negative people, you will find yourself caught in the trap of negativity.
- Get Moving. Whenever you move your body, you are activating your brain and recharging your body with energy that might not have been there before. We work at our best and are the most centered when our bodies are in the best possible shape.
- Read Books. Create a daily practice to read at least a few pages of a book every day. I have a notebook where I jot down some of my favorite quotes and things I learn while reading so I can refer back to them.
These are just a few ideas to living an inspired life. What are some of the things that help you to live a passionate and purposeful life?