Every time time I drive to Jefferson City, our state capital, I get a little reflective. As I walk around the government buildings and pass the Capital Dome, I am reminded of the privilege we have living in America. Yesterday I went with a delegation from the college where I teach to appear before the Missouri State Board of Education for approval of our teacher education programs. As we were waiting for our case to be brought before the Board, I was able to hear several other organizations/causes making their appeals for what they supported. I didn’t agree with all the different philosophies presented. That’s when suddenly I was reminded of an awesome principle that is set forth in our constitution. Freedom! We all have the freedom to choose what we believe, where we work, where we live and how we travel. I was also reminded that with freedom comes a responsibility! Responsibility to vote, to be involved in my community, to know what the issues are, and to thank God for my freedom! Driving back home to my own little world, I asked God to remind me of the way He has blessed our great country. So many men and women in the past, as well as those serving our country today, have paid a high price for my pleasure. May I never take freedom for granted!