I have always had a list big dreams…some of them have been a little crazy. Like the time I told my husband that for my 50th birthday I would like to parachute out of an airplane. (It was an awesome experience, by the way!) Other dreams have come as a result of seeds planted, watered and nourished over a long period of time and then – at just the right time – God brings it to pass. Some of my biggest dreams have come through difficult circumstances and sleepless nights. Bestselling author Bruce Wilkinson wrote an awesome book called ‘The Dream Giver’ where he challenges us to live the life we were created for. He begins with a compelling modern-day parable about Ordinary, who dares to leave the Land of Familiar to pursue his Big Dream. With the help of the Dream Giver, Ordinary begins the hardest and most rewarding journey of his life. The secret of the book is the revealing that there’s no limit to what God can accomplish when we choose to pursue the dreams He gives us for His honor. How is your dream list coming?