The Fourth Commandment
Today Pastor Chris challenged us to take seriously the 4th Commandment- remembering the Sabbath. Scientists have recently concluded that healthy patterns of activity and rest lie at the heart of our capacity for full engagement, maximum performance and sustained health. Sounds like God knew exactly what we needed clear back in the book of Exodus! […]
Stuck Series
Here I am speaking to LifeQuest Church during a series called Stuck
Brown Bag to the Rescue
Last night 7 LifeQuesters loaded a van full of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, donuts and bottles of water and headed to downtown KC on a mission! In between worship experiences yesterday, the lobby was buzzing with people adopting kids to provide toys for on Christmas Eve, adopting community organizations to bless with cookies and […]
An Ocean Baptism
It never ceases to amaze me when I visit countries around the world and observe how they live out their every day lives as Christ followers. Several years ago Dan and I visited several churches as a part of a team looking for churches to partner with in ministry. One Sunday afternoon as we were […]
Generation 99
Tonight was the final official meeting for Generation 99. Tomorrow they will graduate, having completed 99 days of reading, learning, serving and building relationships. Only a few months ago we dreamed of what it would be like to take a select group of teenagers, invest in them and help them grow in their walk with […]
Catalysts for Change
Our adventure at Catalyst is coming to a close! I am actually in the fitness room at the hotel right now watching them all work out on the machines. Spending the past few days with 8 teens has reminded me how much I enjoy being around that age! It actually got me thinking back on […]
Catalyst Conference: Crazy Day 1
The alarm went off at 3:50 am, but I was already awake. Grabbed my luggage and set out for the church to meet up with the Generation 99 Crew to head to Atlanta for the Catalyst Conference. Our flight was scheduled to leave at 7:00 am. But things don’t always go as planned…. After sitting […]
On the Homeward Stretch
There is a buzz at LifeQuest. After a little more than a year of raising money for the Children’s Building, it is about to become a reality! Nearly all the money has come in and over the next few weeks, countless hours will be put in to finish the Project. No money had to be […]
Another Awesome Sunday at LQ!
Awesome worship experiences at LifeQuest today! The music was awesome and I loved having Laura lead worship at the Belton Campus – her passion and love for Jesus comes through in her singing. Pastor Chris’s message “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” was a great reminder of how God can take the broken pieces of our lives […]
New Service Times at LifeQuest Belton Campus!
Last Sunday was absolutely amazing at LifeQuest Church! Between both campuses we had 546 people – a record breaking attendance. I am so pumped about what God is doing at LQ! People are finding Jesus and lives are being changed! Soooo this week we are changing our service times trying to make room for more […]