Leadership Wake

In his book, Integrity, Henry Cloud reminds us that every leader leaves behind a kind of wake, just like a boat leaves a wake as it moves through the water. The question is what kind of wake, or legacy, are we creating day by day. Cloud asks of those people whom we lead, “Would people […]

Spotting a Leader

Looking for a new leader? I recently read an article talking about the difference between the skill of performance and the skill of leading the performance, two entirely different skills. The most gifted athletes aren’t always the best coaches and the best violinist isn’t always the best conductor. Nor will the best teacher necessarily make […]

A Week at Lifequest…Day One

Monday is a catch up and connect day where the LQ staff does a variety of things.  Some get in some much needed rest and family time after a total of 4 worship experiences and an online service on Sunday. For me, it’s a day to take some time and plan out the week ahead, […]

Random Thoughts on Leadership

1. All good leadership begins where you are. The small responsibilities you have before you now comprise the first great leadership conquest you must make. St. Francis of Assisi said, “Start doing what is necessary; then do what is possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” 2. John Gardner observed, “If I had to […]

The Soft Side of Leadership

John Maxwell says the first quality of a relational leader is the ability to understand how people feel and think.  As we work with other people, we need to remember that all people, whether leaders or followers, have some things in common. People like to feel special, so sincerely compliment them.  People want a better […]