Catalyst Conference: Day 2

After about 4 hours sleep, we were at it again! Volunteer orientation began at 5:00 am. I met a group of 30 volunteers who traveled all the way from Switzerland (also was their first visit to the US) to join with the 300+ volunteers. Generation 99 students were assigned to the Experience Team which meant they were in charge of handing out free food outside, a spider jump, a photo booth, trampolines, and sidewalk chalk! The kids did awesome! They are most definitely a group of high impact leaders!

If you’ve never been to a Catalyst, it’s hard to explain the energy once you are inside the arena – awesome lights, great sound and dynamic guest speakers. I loved listening to Andy Stanley, Christine Cain, Seth Godin, Beth Moore, Francis Chan – and hearing Kari Jobe and John Mark McMillan sing.

Several months ago I connected with Jenni Catron, the Executive Director at Cross Pointe Church in Nashville, as well as the founder of Cultivate Her, an organization to connect women in leadership from all across the country. She had invited me to a luncheon she was hosting. I was able to meet her, as well as network with other women from around the country.

After a long day, we got ice cream at McDonald’s and debriefed about the day. Then back to the hotel for the night! The kids are much more tired tonight than last night – so no one is arguing about going to bed. We get to do it all over again tomorrow for the 2nd day of the Conference, so heading to bed myself!

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