Breaking A LifeQuest Christmas Tradition

Just a few more days until Christmas and there is a buzz at LifeQuest. All week long, volunteers have been wrapping and sorting presents, passing out invite cards, sorting groceries, and delivering them to families all over our community! Pastor Chris and the staff have been busy preparing for Christmas Eve worship experiences and LifeQuesters have given generously to sponsor a Christmas Party for 400 kids in the slums of Uganda. So what is DIFFERENT about this year at LifeQuest? We will still have AWESOME worship experiences, great FUN for the kids, cookies and cider, candles, communion and rockin’ music……BUT this year we are starting a NEW tradition.
LifeQuest will hold its Christmas Eve services in not one, not two, but THREE locations. No more experiences just in Belton (Dec 23 & 24 @ 7 pm) or just in Parkville (Dec 24 @ 5 pm), but we will also be having our FIRST CHRISTMAS EVE worship experience at our new location in Pleasant Hill on Thursday, Dec 22 at 7 pm. Please invite your family and friends and help us break tradition as we reach more people than ever before this Christmas!

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