Got to experience the taping of a live television show last night as a VIP thanks to our daughter, Jill, who works as a writer’s assistant for Warner Brothers Studios in LA. Watching a show on television doesn’t even begin to give an accurate picture of what goes on behind the scenes. I tend to think it’s all about the actors (and they do play a crucial role) but it is an amazing compilation of producers and writers, executive producers, assistant producers, writers assistants, production assistants, stage and costume designers, camera persons, sound and light technicians, make up artists….I am sure I have left someone out. The biggest surprise for me was the audience participation and the ‘MC’ who guides the audience through the entire process of applause, laughter and doing it all again for however many takes it requires for the scene to be shot, which sometimes can take up to 4 hours just for a 30 minute show. After the show we got to go behind the scenes and meet the people who made it all happen. Reflecting this morning on the incredible teamwork from last night, I thought about the same kind of teamwork that is needed on Sunday mornings throughout the world as teams of people use their gifts and talents to reach people far from God. I thought about LifeQuest and wondered what people observe when they come and visit us for the first time. Hoping they see us as people who love Jesus and are working as a team to accomplish the mission God has called us to do!