I remember the first time I ever REALLY appreciated the fact that God is continuously and simultaneously present throughout the whole of creation – that He is with me in the middle of the North American continent in the western hemisphere and yet He also is on the other side of the world! Dan and I were on a trip in the southern part of the US and as I prayed one morning for each of my kids by name, it hit me. One was on the west coast, another serving our country in South Korea, and another one in the Midwest. You see when they were little, I couldn’t imagine being without them for a minute – let alone having them spread out around the world. Who would take care of them and watch out for them? Who would make sure they were safe? Who would comfort them when they were hurting? Fast forward a few years when I realized I couldn’t always be with them…physically anyway. Nowadays I am grateful that God is everywhere all the time watching everything that happens – and that includes my family no matter where they might be. Comes in handy when your daughter is trapesing through Europe or your kids are living on a military base several hours away.