A couple of weeks ago I shared the story of the lady we took in during the big snowstorm. Having lived in her car for the past few months, she hugged me with tears in her eyes as we showed her upstairs to her room because she got to have a hot shower and a warm bed to sleep in. Dan and I decided to let her stay with us for awhile and help her get back on her feet. She expressed gratitude for getting a chance to start over – to get a second chance. I’ve been thinking a lot about second chances lately. Sometimes second chances don’t come – like when you have the ball and you’re down by 2 points with 3 seconds left in the game. If the ball doesn’t go in the basket, you lose the game. No second chances when the buzzer rings. I don’t know about you, but I am thankful for second chances – like the chance to apologize when I’ve done something to hurt someone, the chance to put the other person first in a relationship when I usually want to put me first, and of course the greatest second chance of all that Jesus gave to me when He forgave me for my sins. We’ve been able to share a lot with Kate and the cool thing is the blessing she has been to us. She has helped around the house, cooked meals for us and has begun to read her Bible to find out more about what God says. I can’t wait to see what God is going to do in her life – now THAT’S a blessing of second chances.