Get to Know Karen


Karen has been described as approachable, energetic, and compassionate. She and her husband, Dan, have been married since 1979 and have 3 wonderful kids, a daughter-in-law and a son-in-law. She has 5 ‘perfect’ grandchildren:  Lincoln, Aly, Noah, Jackson and Rosie. Karen and Dan co-founded a ministry called Philemon International that provided hospitality for missionaries in their 125-year old Victorian home for over 20 years. Karen is a cheerleader for her family, a woman of faith and a lover of life. She loves unpacking Scripture and sharing the joy of knowing Jesus. She encourages others from the platform, across the page, and in person.

She loves traveling and spending time with her family at the lake.


Karen Blankenship is a speaker at conferences, workshops, retreats, and events. She inspires audience members to live a life of adventure and become all that God has designed them to be. She has authored several books, including her latest book ‘Write it Down’ where she shares how journaling can help you discover and live life to your full potential.

Karen has been involved in education both nationally and internationally teaching ages preschool through college level for over 30 years. She received her Bachelor’s Degree from John Brown University and her Masters Degree from Bob Jones University.

Karen currently leads mission trips to Guatemala on an annual basis where the team serves at Casa de Mi Padre Children’s Home.  She has also co-lead mission trips to Brazil, Peru, Russia, Philippines, the Bahamas, and Mexico as well as participating in many other mission endeavors. As an advocate for citizen involvement in government, Karen has served her community as a volunteer and an elected city official.

Karen has co-lead mission trips to Brazil, Peru, Russia, Philippines, the Bahamas, and Mexico as well as participating in many other mission endeavors. As an advocate for citizen involvement in government, Karen has served her community as a volunteer and an elected city official. 

She has served as a MOPS Mentor, Stonecroft Speaker and Regional Speaker Trainer. She currently serves as the Network Leader for the KC Women Leaders Missional Network, a diverse citywide network of women church leaders and ministry leaders whose focus is uniting, encouraging, and equipping women leaders in the KC area as they pursue God’s local and global mission. 

Because of her deep love for the church, Karen has served in multiple ministries (since she was 13 years old) which include: Children’s Ministry, Music Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Missions, Creative Arts, and Connections.